During prayer, where should a person place his two hands in ruku (bowing) and qa’dah (sitting) and when he gets up from the second rak’ah?


In ruku, the person in prayer should have his hands on his knees, “ يعتمد بيديه علي رکبتيه کذا في الهداية ”, in qa’dah on his thighs with his fingers spread out:  “ ووضع يديه علي فخديه و بسط اصابعه کذا في الهداية و کنزالدقائق ”, and when he gets up from the second rak’ah they should be on his thighs and he should get up by putting his knees on the ground.

A Hadith in Abu Dawud says:  “ وإذا نهض نهض علي رکبتيه واعتمد علي فخديه ”

Al-Bahr-ul-Raiq says “ إنما يعتمد علي رکبتيه هکذا في المحيط ”.

Both these statements say that the fingers should be on the knees and the palms on the thighs. However Imam Shafi’i believes that the worshiper should place his hands on the ground when getting up from the second rak’ah. When he is going into sajdah the person in prayer should have his hands on his thighs because this is easy and will allow the knees to touch the ground first, which is mustahab (preferred).

“ ثم يديه الخ فيضع رکبتيه أولا ”

[Fatawa Hindiyyah vol. 1 pg 83]

Allah تعالى is most knowing.
Answered by Mufti Shams ul Huda Misbahi
Translated by Mawlana Muhammad Rashid Madani

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