My question is regarding the forbidden times of salah, what are the times? And does the same ruling apply to qada salah?


There are three times in a day when it is strictly disliked (Makrūh) to pray any type of Salāh (Farđ, Wājib, Sunnah, Nafl etc.):

1. From sunrise until the sun has fully risen (20 minutes).*

2. At the time of Nişf al-Nahār – Midday (commonly known as Zawāl)**

3. 20 minutes before sunset till sunset.

[*If you can cast your gaze on the sun easily then that is the Makrūh time. It is usually when the sun is pale/orange in colour.]

Qađā Salah can be prayed in anytime except in these forbidden times.

There are additional times when Nafl Şalāh is prohibited. Some are mentioned below:

– From the break of dawn (Al-Şubĥ al-Şādiq/ Fajr beginning) until the sun has risen fully.

– After praying the ‘Asr Şalāh

– Between Sunset and the Farđ of Maghrib Şalāh

– When the Imām stands up from his place to perform Khuţba (sermon) of the Friday prayer until the completion of Farđ Şalāh

(Above rulings are taken from the general Ĥanafī books of jurisprudence)


* The Method of working out Midday time

You will need times of:

– Break of dawn (al-Şubĥ al-Şādiq) which is Fajr beginning

– Sunset (Maghrib).

1. Calculate the hours between al-Şubĥ al-Şādiq and sunset

2. Half the time

3. Add it to the time of al-Şubĥ al-Şādiq- This time will be the Makrūh time.


al-Şubĥ al-Şādiq = 5.00am

Maghrib = 8.00pm

1. Hours between the two = 15 hours

2. Half of 15 = 7 hours and 30 minutes

3. Add this to 5.00am = 12.30pm

Therefore 12.30pm is the Makrūh time. So no prayers are allowed in this time till the beginning of Dhuhr Şalāh.

Allah knows best.

Answered by Mawlana Mohamed Husein Qadri

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