Zaid says that if someone misses ta’awwuz and tasmiyyah then it is necessary (wajib) for him to do sajdah sahw, is this correct or not? Also in the quiet Salah’s if someone recites ta’awwudh and tasmiyyah loudly does he have to perform sajdah sahw or not?

Questioner: Hafiz Qari Asif Attari (Germany)


Sajdah sahw is not necessary if someone misses ta’awwudh (a’oodhu billahi…) and tasmiyyah (bismillah-hir-Rahman..), or reads them loudly in any of the quiet Salah’s or quietly in the loud Salah’s [as they are from the Sunan of Prayer]. In fact when praying salah alone you would not have to perform sajdah sahw even if you recited the Holy Qur’an loudly in quiet salahs or vice versa.

Fatawa Alamgiri vol 1 pg 139:

ولا يجب بترک التعوذ والبسملة١/١٤٢ و إن جهر بالتعوذ أو بالبسملة أو بالتأمين لا سهو عليه کذا في فتاويٰ قاضي خان. والمنفرد لا يجب عليه السهو بالجهر والإخفاء لأنهما من خصائص الجماعة هکذا في التبيين

Allah تعالى is most knowing.

Answered by Mufti Shams ul Huda Misbahi
Translated by Mawlana Muhammad Rashid Madani

This answer is correct.
Muhammad Hayat
Dar-ul-Uloom Hanafiyyah Razawiyyah
Hajeerah Azad Kashmir

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