Shaykh ul-Islam al-Hafizh ibn Hajar al Haytami (رحمة الله عليه) states while explaining the impermissibility of following and resembling the disbelievers:
“Then I saw from one of our Iater Imams that which supports what I have said, so he stated: ‘From amongst the most reprehensible of innovations is the conforming of the Muslims with the Christians in their celebrations through resemblance in their food and the giving and receiving of gifts from them on that day and those most involved in this are the people of Misr. Indeed the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم) has said: {Whosover resembled a people then he is from them}”.
[Al-Fatawa al-Kubra al-Fiqhiyyah, Imam Ahmad bin Hajar al-Haitami, volume 4, page. 238- 239]
The Shafi’i jurist Imam al-Shirwani (رحمة الله عليه) states:
“The one who concords with the disbelievers on the days of their celebrations should be given ta’zir (a discretionary punishment whose relative amount is left for the Muslim ruler to decide under an Islamic state).”
He then mentions:
“and also one who congratulates a dhimmi (Christian or Jewish resident under an Islamic state) on the day of their celebration.”
[Hasyiyah al-Shirwani ‘Ala Tuhfat al-Muhtaj Bi Sharh al-Minhaj, Imam ‘Abd al-Hamid al-Shirwani, Chapter 9 pg 212]]
The Seal of the Hadith Scholars, The Mufassir, The prolific author, The Mujaddid Imam of the 10th Hijri Century al-Imam al-Hafizh Jalal ud Din al-Suyuti (رحمة الله عليه) states:
[Note: al-Imam al-Suyuti is the author of ‘Husn al-Maqsid fi Amal il-Mawlid’ – an entire treatise dedicated to the evidences supporting the commendability of commemorating the Mawlid of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم)]
“From the reprehensible innovations and evil acts is the resemblance of the disbelievers and concordance with them upon their cursed celebrations and festive seasons the way that many of the ignorant Muslims participate with the Christians in their Easter celebrations which are the largest of their celebrations and that which many of the people take part in winter claiming it to be the birth of Sayyiduna Isa (عليه السلام) so everything they do in this from the evil acts such as lighting fire preparing special foods, buying candles and other than these is from the evil acts and innovations. For indeed taking these days as seasons of festivity is from the religion of the Christians and there is no basis for it in Islam. There is no mention of this birth date from the pious predecessors rather its origin is taken from the Christians.”
[al-Amru Bil-Ittiba’ Wa al-Nahyu ‘An al-Ibtida’, Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, pg145-150]
– translated by Mawlana Ibrar Shafi
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[Q-ID0542] Is it permissible to buy items during the Christmas sales?
[Q-ID0413] Can we wish people ‘Happy Holiday’ instead of ‘Happy Christmas’?
[Q-ID0136] The ruling on saying ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Shub Diwali’