Me and my other half have been together for over 6 years and have been planning to get married, however her mother is trying to split us up and is putting the guilt trip on her. I love her very much and am trying to bring her towards the Deen. I would like to know what du’as I should recite to win back her heart and for us to be able to overcome all obstacles and difficulties that we are currently faced with. Any guidance that you are able to provide me with will be greatly appreciated.
Forming a relationship with a member of the opposite sex outside the framework of marriage is Haram (forbidden).
One should make sincere tawbah (repentance) and discontinue such contact. If a woman is interested in embracing Islam learned Muslim women should be involved in conveying her the da’wah (invitation) of Islam. Such relationships outside the institution of marriage must be strictly avoided to close the doorways to evil.
Allah knows best.
Answered by Ustadh Ibrar Shafi