During prayer I find it very difficult to concentrate and my mind always go towards other things. Even when I try my best to concentrate I still find it difficult. It has come to a stage were I sometimes i think i should stop praying because of these thoughts. What can I do to stop these thoughts and am I sinful to have these evil thoughts?
Developing humility, presence and concentration in prayer is something that one should strive for and develop. Prayer is an obligation and contemplating leaving it is from the shaytaan in his attempt to destroy a slave do not pay attention to his deceptions. Learn the rules related to prayer and correct its outward form and delivery. Learn the meanings of what you recite to increase concentration. Avoid sins outside of the prayer and accompany the righteous, engage in dhikr of Allah, salawat and salam, seek knowledge and fight satanic whispers and your lower self. Ask Allah to free you from these thoughts that plague you. If these thoughts are not intentionally instigated during prayer you are not accountable, may Allah give you success.
Allah knows best.
Answered by Ustadh Ibrar Shafi
Also see:
[Q-ID0392] Does having Devilish thoughts make me a Kafir? How do I stop them?