What do the scholars of the Din and muftis of the Sacred Law state regarding the following issue: if during the fast someone masturbated will it nullify the fast? Will it be wajib (necessary) to do kaffarah (expiation) for the fast? And if someone did this act on more than one occasion, will the kaffarah be necessary or not?

Questioner: Awais from UK


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
الجواب بعون الملک الوھاب اللھم ھدایۃ الحق والصواب

To masturbate, the act which is to use the hand to release manī (semen), in the state of fasting will break the fast and it is wājib for such a person to do qadā’ (making up) of the fast after Ramadān has ended, but the kaffārah is not due upon such a person. It is written by the author of al-Durr al-Mukhtār when mentioning those acts which break the fast and only require qadā’ (making up) not kaffārah,

وَكَذَا الِاسْتِمْنَاءُ بِالْكَفِّ

“Using the hands to release manī (semen) will nullify the fast.”

[al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol 3, pg 431-439]

It is mentioned in Bahār-e-Sharī’at that using the hand to release manī (semen) or when the private organs of a male and female come in contact with each other [but not inserted inside each other], then in these instances only qadā’ (making up) is necessary not kaffārah.

[Bahār-e-Sharī’at, vol 1, part 5, pg 989]

If someone makes it their regular routine to break their fast doing this filthy act, it will be wājib to do kaffarah according to some Scholars. That is why it is necessary to avoid committing this heinous act.

واللہ تعالی اعلم ورسولہ اعلم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم
کتبہ ابو الحسن محمد قاسم ضیاء قادری

Answered by Mufti Qasim Zia al-Qadri

Translated by Abu Zayn

Read the original Urdu answer here – [Q-ID0352] Does masturbating nullify the fast and require a kaffarah?

Also see:

[Q-ID0692] I have not yet done Ghusl before the Fast started, will my Fast be valid?

[Q-ID0684] How should the mouth and nose be washed for Wudu/Ghusl whilst Fasting?

[Q-ID0515] Does the release seminal discharge whilst watching indecent videos nullify the Fast?

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