Ikhfa has 15 letters where ghunnah is done after tanween and noon sakin. And idgham has 6 letters. Please explain the difference in the rules of ikhfa and idgham in pronunciation whilst reciting the Quran. Do they both have the same type of ghunnah?


1. The Ghunnah is the nasalised sound. In other words, the sound is emitted from the nasal passage (Kahyshūm). The air and sound both come from the nasal passage.

Example: إنَّ Inna لَمَا Lammā, both the Nūn and Mīm will be read with nasal sound (Ghunnah).

2. The lexical meaning of Ikhfā is ‘To hide’ and the technical meaning is: It is to read a Sākin letter between Idhhār and Ghunnah but with keeping the characteristic of Ghunnah.

Example: اَنْتَ Antum which is read slightly from the nose (partial Ghunnah). So the sound and air come from both the nasal passage and the mouth.

There are various degrees and types of each, which can be learnt from a learnt Qārī.

Allah knows best.

Answered by Mawlana Mohamed Husein Qadri

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