Muftī Qāsim Zia al-Qādirī al-Hanafī al-Māturīdī has taught the Dars-e-Nizāmī syllabus at many institutes and also has many students in England and Pakistan; many of whom are teaching further themselves.
Many Muftiyan e kiram have given their comments about Fatawa of Mufti Qasim Zia Al-Qadri.
Comments of Mufti Shams ul Huda Misbahi
The respected and honourable Hazrat Mawlānā Muftī Muhammad Qāsim Ziyā Qādirī, may his honour be further increased, is a Scholar of Islām with solid capability. He has a good insight to Usūl & Furū’ [primary & secondary matters]. He is hardworking and has the passion & zeal for studying books, and also has the qualities of being sharp-witted, having a fascinating nature, an authoritative understanding and being a rapid writer. He would send me his Fatāwā via mail, and I would then check them and send them back. It is with great pleasure that this collection of Fatāwā is being graced by your sight in physical form at this very moment in time. It is my du’ā that the Lord Almighty grant it a honorary acceptance, make it a great means of rectifying Muslims, and further continue blessing said Mawlānā with the ability of services for the beautiful religion such as this.
آمين بجاه النبي الكريم عليه أفضل الصلاةوأكرم التسليم
Well wisher: Shams ul Huda, may I be forgiven
Servant of Dār ul Iftā Kanz ul Īmān, U.K.
Teacher in Jāmia Ashrafiyyah, Mubārakpūr, Āzham-ghar
23rd Rabī al-Ghawth, 1439AH
Comments of Mufti Abdun Nabī Hamīdī
The collection of Fatāwā ‘Fatāwā Europe & U.K.’ of the young & honourable Hazrat ‘Allāmah Mawlānā Abū al-Hasan Muhammad Qāsim Ziyā al-Qādirī is a link in the chain of research.
The spiritual blessing of Āla Hazrat is clear shown in his Fatwās.
Most of the Fatāwā from this collection have crossed my sight. I found them to be correct, and this personality has also brilliantly presented the solution to new issues which are faced in western society, and has beautified with proofs, as well as solving every Fatwā in light of the usūl & furū’ [primary & secondary matters] of Hanafī Fiqh. May Allāh Almighty accept his efforts and allow him to serve the religion more so. Āmīn
Abdun Nabī Hamīdī, South Africa
1st Jamād al-Awwal, 1439AH
19th January, 2018
Comments of Muftī Muhammad Azhar
Knowledge and the people of knowledge are friends. And it is due to His Ability that I have been attached to the field of Iftā [issuing Islamic legal verdicts]. The collection of Fatāwā by ‘Allāmah Muftī Abū al-Hasan Muhammad Qāsim Ziyā al-Madanī Qadirī – Fatāwā Europe & Britain – has crossed my sight just very recently, which after studying a great deal, I have reached the following conclusion that this personality is a jurist as well as such a scholar and Muftī who writes regarding new matters. He has compiled the following Fatāwā [Islamic legal verdicts] for the benefit of the general public as well as students of sacred knowledge & scholars.
After reading through this, I have come to the conclusion that these Fatāwā, in terms of the needs of the current climate, are of the utmost importance, totally invaluable and extremely useful, especially for those living in U.K. and the rest of Europe. All praise to Allāh, it is the compilation of irrefutable, correct & relied-upon matters. Mā Shā Allāh, because Hazrat Mawlānā Muftī Qāsim Ziyā Sāhib has been a resident in U.K. for a while now and has seen in detail the custom and dealings of western society, which is why, having kept in mind the issues which the people of U.K. and the rest of Europe face, he has solved many issues with great effort in a beautiful, easy, knowledgeable, fiqhī manner in light of Hanafī Fiqh.
It can be said that these Fatāwā are like an encyclopedia with regards to learning Fard ‘Ulūm [obligatory knowledge] for a general person. This personality has lifted his pen with regards to many new issues, which readers will not find in other Fatāwā books. After reading the following Fatāwā, no Muftī can say that Mawlānā has wrote without looking at the books of Fiqh and Usūl al-Fiqh, and that he has wrote Fatāwā without considering the rules of Iftā. Nor has Hazrat mentioned his own opinion without any proof.
In fact, he has beautified pretty much every fatwā with several Juz’iyyāt [specific textual principles of Fiqh] which denote upon the great amount of study and deep insight into the books of Fiqh of said personality.
May the Lord Almighty increase the author in age, good deeds & blessings and may Allāh Almighty make this compilation of Fatāwā widespread and prevalent in Hanafī Fiqh and make this a success and accepted in this world and the next. Āmīn.
Abū Athar Muftī Muhammad Azhar
Specialisation in Islamic Jurisprudence, al-Shahādah al-‘Ālamiyyah